Simplified Chinese

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Found 140 character names in language Simplified Chinese.

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  丁满 (Timon)
  三X (Professor Triplex)
Colleague of Ecks and Doublex
  三只小猪 (The three little pigs)
Individual pigs are listed when less than 3 appear
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  三只小鸭 (Huey Dewey and Louie)
Donald Duck's nephews. Listed as Junior Woodchucks when they wear JW caps
  丽兹 (Liz Zago)
Secretary of the agency
  乔奥 (Jose Carioca)
  二X (Professor Doublex)
  伊恩 (Ireyon)
A foxy female thief from 5000 years back in time. Opponent of PK, but a friend of Fantomius in recent D-stories
  克拉丽渉 (Clarissa)
from GM
  克拉贝尔 (Clarabelle Cow)
  克莱拉 (Clara Cluck)
friend of MI and DA
  兔子布瑞尔 (Brer Rabbit)
  凯西侦探 (Detective Casey)
Assistant of OH
  匹克 (Ludwig Von Drake)
  匹诺曹 (Pinocchio)
Character initially created by the Italian author Carlo Collodi in 1883
  博恩沃思 (Bolivar)
DD's St. Bernard dog
  古斯 (Gus Goose)
  史高治 (Uncle Scrooge)
DD's rich uncle
  吉尔伯特 (Gilbert)
Goofy's smart nephew
  吉罗 (Gyro Gearloose)
  唐尼鸭 (Paperino Paperotto)
DD as a child
  唐老鸭 (Donald Duck)
Donald Fauntleroy Duck
  唐老鸭俱乐部 (DuckTales)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  唐老鸭和米老鼠 (Mickey and Donald)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  坏彼得 (Peg-leg Pete)
or Black, Big Bad, etc. Real name is Percy P. Percival (W WDC 243-05P)
  埃米尔 (Emil Eagle)
Evil inventor, foe of SG and GY. Also often opponent of MM in Murry/Tello stories, and US.
  墨古尔 (Mogul Bertie)
JW mogul in Italian stories
  大x (Professor Ecks)
  大力士 (Hercules)
mythological hero
  大坏狼 (The Big Bad Wolf)
Zeke Wolf; also The Bad Wolf
  奇奇和蒂蒂 (Chip 'n' Dale)
Chipmunks; can be mentioned separately, e.g. on a cover
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  奥哈拉警长 (Chief O'Hara)
Police inspector in Mickey Mouse stories. First name is Seamus
  奥娜 (Princess Oona)
  女巫米姆 (Mad Madam Mim)
  宝路 (Baloo)
  小助手 (Gyro's Helper)
  小叮当 (Tinker Bell)
  小山雀 (Chickadees)
Female scout troup
  小海娃 (Little Hiawatha)
  小熊維尼 (Winnie the Pooh)
Bear who's fond of honey
  小狼利尔 (Li'l Bad Wolf)
  小美人鱼 (Ariel)
the little mermaid
  小菲罗 (Figaro)
Minnie's cat from Pinocchio
  小豆 (Roo)
Kanga's child
  小辣椒多莉 (Dolly Paprika)
partner of Fantomius
  小酸菜 (Fafnir)
DD's dragon in Wizards of Mickey stories
  小飞象 (Dumbo)
Flying child elephant with very big ears
  少年军校 (The Junior Woodchucks)
  屹耳 (Eeyore)
Winnie the Pooh's friend who's mostly gloomy and pessimistic about life
  巴蒂斯 (Battista)
curly-haired butler of US

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