Ratings for Gravity Gone Wild (D 2008-326)

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m3gr1ml0ck    Wednesday, Mar 5, 2014, 09:16:22 AM  Trama balorda e sceneggiatura sincopata, con forzature e gestione puerile delle psicologie.
La reazione dei personaggi all'alterazione della gravità è insensata: nessuno che pensa a indagare, Paperone che non si rende conto che l'oro più leggero pesa anche meno e quindi vale di meno. O meglio, i personaggi ci arrivano, ma in ritardo sconcertante.
Anche se il peso diminuisce, la massa no cambia: Paperina non se ne accorge?
Le autorità mondiali non reagiscono minimamente all'asteroide?
Il Deposito con pareti permeabili non dovrebbe perdere tutto il denaro in un attimo?
Disegni bruttini.
Corrado    Monday, Mar 30, 2015, 01:34:40 PM  storia molto divertente!
Julius Spectaculus    Tuesday, Sep 5, 2017, 05:50:46 PM  Depressing, unsettling, completely over the top... Typical Michael T. Gilbert s#!t, with very average drawings ("Bathtub at the edge of forever" at least LOOKED better, even if the story was the same bizarre apocalyptic horror vision stuff). Poor. 1/10
Alex Luther    Wednesday, Jun 13, 2018, 11:00:17 AM  Bizarre, but in fact I like it. For Egmont and Gilbert, this isn't that depressing - there's a happy end after all. 6/10

Edit: Now that Alex04 has pointed it out, the reference to "Melancholia" is indeed obvious. Bold choice of movie to adapt in a Disney story, but I'm not complaining.
Tenderlok    Saturday, Jul 14, 2018, 12:26:02 AM  Andersen's drawings even more terrible than usual. 0/10.
Alex04    Monday, Feb 24, 2020, 11:44:04 AM  This story is in fact a parody of Lars von Triers movie "Melancholia" (which is like this story from the year 2011). Yes, it's just loosely based on that film, but it's still recognizable. The unsettling athmosphere and the, well... melancholia of the protagonists in the face of the upcoming catastrophe is well adopted.
Some images of this beautiful film are copied aswell, for example the image of the planet as a second, different colored moon in the night sky.
The rest of the story and the drawings are still bad though.
remifanpicsou    Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 02:37:11 PM  bien, très bien. j'adore cette histoire parue en France en 2012. je trouve ça cool, qu'ils l'ai réédité en France récemment en 2020. j'adore l'histoire et le style de dessin.
Rodiandrea    Thursday, Sep 30, 2021, 12:20:00 PM  Carina, ma con troppi errori di fisica
RobinHoodlum    Sunday, May 1, 2022, 05:59:37 PM  This is the stuff that feverish nightmares are made of. The story is about as appealing as a bag of fecal matter with some roadkill thrown in for good measure, so in a bizarre way it’s quite fitting that the master of repulsive art, Flemming Andersen, is an accomplice to this criminal assualt against the reader. I have no words, but it doesn’t get much worse than this. At least that’s a sense of relief, I guess… 0/10

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