Ratings for Darkenblot 3 Nemesis (I TL 3199-1P)

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User comments

Alex Luther    Thursday, May 24, 2018, 10:15:37 AM  Thrilling for the first three parts, but the overblown finale and recycling of PKNA plotlines don't do it for me.
hdc    Sunday, Jun 3, 2018, 07:34:59 AM  It's not bad or anything, but this time it tries a bit too hard to mix manga/superhero conventions to Mickey Mouse, it goes a bit too long and the ending is a disappointment.
But there are some good moments before that.
Julius Spectaculus    Tuesday, Jun 12, 2018, 06:15:11 PM  As dark as possible for a Disney comic without resorting to cheap gimmicky horror effects, well done!
Alexistss    Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 08:33:59 AM  Darkenblot is always a pleasure to read and that story wasn't an exception, despite the, somehow, dissapointing ending.
v-mouse    Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:20:13 PM  I validissimi disegni dinamici supportano bene la narrazione però spesso sono troppo poveri di dettaglio, anche in ampie vignette panoramiche (ad esempio ultima della terza parte e quarta pagina della quarta parte): questo non impreziosisce, come invece sarebbe stato fortemente opportuno, una lunga storia composta da tanti cliché, quindi non esaltante, però sceneggiata e diretta magistralmente come moderna fiaba. Diverse le ambientazioni e i "team up" e, epilogo a parte, iconica la fine.

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