Il giorno del sole freddo

Day of the Cold Sun
Story code
I PKNA 3-1
Il giorno del sole freddo
irregular layout
Stephan Vladuck (1st), Angus Fangus, Camera 9, Chrono-Commander (1st), Dan Woodstain, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Frank (1st), Lyla Lee, One, Red Raider, Time police, Uncle Scrooge, Ziggy (1st) [show character portraits]
Alessandro Sisti
Art (pencil and ink)
Claudio Sciarrone
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: IC PKG 6, IC PKG 6B, IC PKNA 3
various: Qit/DCOLL27F (article), Qit/PKNA 3A (intro), IC PKNA 2I (teaser)

This story is rated 7.3/10 and ranked 509/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 40 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: RBr (August 10, 2021), FPl (September 17, 2021)

frFantomiald essaie d'appréhender un individu qui se révèle être le Razziator qui a dérobé un dispositif permettant de voyager dans d'autres univers et qui est pourchassé par la police du temps. (by Horace555, history)
dePK trifft wieder auf den Plünderer und geht ein Zweckbündnis mit ihm ein. (by Alex Luther, history)
elΗ νέα μονάδα παραγωγής ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος της Λιμνούπολης αποτελεί δέλεαρ για ένα πρόσωπο με φιλόδοξες διαθέσεις...
itPaperinik salva Paperopoli con l'aiuto del Razziatore
noEt nytt energisententer skal åpnes i Andeby. Plyndreren, som kommer fra fremtiden, forteller Fantonald at det tekniske vil komme til å klikke og forårsake en eksplosjon som vil utslette store deler av Andeby. Fantonald og Plyndreren går inn for å stanse igangsettingen av anlegget, men må kjempe mot Tidspolitiet som ikke ønsker at historiens gang blir endret. (by sveknu, history)
Italy, PKNA 3
more scans >>
Norway, FD1997-03
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Germany, PH 5
Norway, FD1997-03
Sweden, SK 1997-03
Brazil, SPNA 2
Norway, FDR 6
Italy, CPK 2
Greece, NPFN 6
Portugal, DH 33
Finland, AAST 4
United States, DAV 5A
United States, DAV 5B
United States, DAV 5C
United States, DANA 2

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