Paperino e il colosso del Nilo

Colossus of the Nile
Story code
I TL 292-AP
Paperino e il colosso del Nilo
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Romano Scarpa
Romano Scarpa
Rodolfo Cimino
Number of parts
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: ARC USA 37, ARC USA 38, IC AR 565, IC GCDN 14, Xgr/KX 124
article: Qit/CAT 3G, Qit/CCD 19B, Qit/CTS 13B, Qit/CTS 13C, Qit/EC 36D, Qit/FC3 132C, Qit/GCDN 14B, Qit/GSD 6C, Qit/GSD 10A, Qit/IDI 1P, Qit/MD 35F, Qit/TL 2784C, Qit/TSD 1D, Qit/UACK 13D, Qit/ZPP 53C, Qse/NK 31D, Qus/USA 38
various: Qit/SPD 101D (article, image), Qit/IF 6A (interview), Qit/SATL 19D (article + first page), Qit/AV 84A (article;page;panels), IC TL 2000YR (Egyptian statue)
This story contains the following items:
  1. I TL 292-A Paperino e il colosso del Nilo (part 1, first published 1961-07-02, writing: Romano Scarpa, pencils: Romano Scarpa, ink: Rodolfo Cimino, appearances Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge)
  2. I TL 293-A idem (part 2, first published 1961-07-09, writing: Romano Scarpa, pencils: Romano Scarpa, ink: Rodolfo Cimino, appearances Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge)

This story is rated 7.6/10 and ranked 206/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 90 votes for this story.

frLe colosse d'Abou Simbel va être emporté par les eaux du Nil : Picsou se charge de le sauver, convaincu par les Rapetou qu'un dépôt est caché sous la statue. (by xShinatox, history)
itIl colosso di Abu Simbel verrà travolto dalle acque del Nilo: Paperone si incarica di salvarlo convinto dai Bassotti che sotto la statua si nasconda un giacimento. (by Joe Acchiappa, history)
itcome spostare monumenti egiziani
Italy, TL 292
more scans >>
Italy, TL 292
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 293 part 2
Italy, CD 154
Italy, CCD 19 part 2
Germany, DPB 1
Italy, CTS 13
Italy, CTS 13 part 2
Italy, CSU 31
Netherlands, DUPX 9
Italy, GSD 6
Greece, MID 10
Greece, MID 10 part 2
France, IRS 6
France, IRS 6 part 2
Greece, MM 12
Changes: 1 part version. Panels 4 & 6(only text) on the page 25 (originally last page of the first part)are missing.First double panel(1st row only text & title )& panels 2,3 on the page 26 (originally first page of the second part) are missing ,as well the third & fourth panel on the last page.Same version as Italy's Super Miti Mondadori 1 (it/SMIT 1e)
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