Zio Paperone e il rimbombo lunare

Story code
I TL 749-A
Zio Paperone e il rimbombo lunare
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Guido Martina
Romano Scarpa
Giorgio Cavazzano
Date of first publication
Storia e gloria della dinastia dei paperi
Referred to in
cover: BC DER 100, BC TPO 1, D 2659, IC TL 749
article: Qes/DPP 1, Qfr/PS 7I, Qfr/SPGHS H1B, Qgr/MS 42A, Qit/AR 804e, Qit/CCD 2H, Qit/CFRO 3C, Qit/CTS 11G, Qit/CTS 26D, Qit/CTS 26E, Qit/DCOLL37E, Qit/DDCO 4C, Qit/DGED 1A, Qit/DPCS 32G, Qit/DSTO 50H, Qit/DT 35B, Qit/DT 40B, Qit/EC 36E, Qit/GCDN 91B, Qit/GS 2B, Qit/GSD 14P, Qit/GSD 22A, Qit/GSD 22B, Qit/GSD 22O, Qit/GSD 42B, Qit/IDI 1E, Qit/IDI 1H, Qit/IDI 1N, Qit/MD 25G, Qit/TGOAL20BD, Qit/TL 2569A, Qit/TLAI 3L, Qit/TSD 2C, Qit/TSD 2E
various: IC TGOAL20BC (detail as illustration), B HGDP 1-T1 (intro), Qit/SATL 25C (article + first page)

This story is rated 7.8/10 and ranked 98/43690 according to COA users. There have been about 140 votes for this story.

frPicsou se rend sur la lune avec Géo, car il y a caché un coffre contenant des pièces magiques et il ne veut pas que les astronautes le trouvent. (by xShinatox, history)
deUS reist mit GY zum Mond, da er dort eine Truhe mit magischen Münzen versteckt hat und nicht möchte, dass diese von Astronauten gefunden wird. Nach der Landung auf dem Meer wirft DD, der mit HDL in einem Boot sitzt, die Truhe ins Meer, nur wenige Münzen bleiben übrig. (by Comic Fan, history)
itsulla luna
Italy, TL 749
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Italy, TL 749
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Greece, MM 270
Denmark, AA1973-18 part 3
Italy, OM 1133
Spain, DM 54
Greece, IS 1
Spain, DP 1
Italy, GCD 7
Greece, MM 1344
Greece, ISR 1
Italy, TSD 2
Brazil, HGDP 1
Greece, MS 42
Netherlands, DUCKP 3
Italy, GSD 22
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