Paperino e l'avventura sottomarina

The Kingdom Under the Sea
Story code
I TL 873-C
Paperino e l'avventura sottomarina
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Queen Reginella (1st)
Rodolfo Cimino
Art (pencil and ink)
Giorgio Cavazzano
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: BC AD 31C, BC AD 302A
article: Qfi/ALP 25E, Qfi/ANTE 8C, Qgr/KX 130C, Qgr/KX 291D, Qit/ATN 2A, Qit/CALE 2B, Qit/CTS 7D, Qit/CTS 17C, Qit/CTS 19C, Qit/CTS 24B, Qit/CTS 24G, Qit/DCOLL45B, Qit/DCOLL45C, Qit/DCOLL45D, Qit/GCD 350b, Qit/GSD 4M, Qit/GSI 2D, Qit/GSI 2F, Qit/IDI 1R, Qit/IMPP 8B, Qit/MD 4C, Qit/MD 31G, Qit/MD 35B, Qit/MD 35E, Qit/SATL 3B, Qit/TESI 1C, Qit/TESI 1H, Qit/TGLD 4A, Qit/TGLD 4C, Qit/TGLD 4F, Qit/TL 3218B, Qit/TSD 1C, Qit/TSD 1F, Qit/TSDE 1C, Qse/NK 31D
article, image: Qit/PBST 65A, Qit/SPD 99B
single panels as illustrations: Qit/ILPA 85C, Qit/ILPA 85D
various: Qit/ILPA 85B (article, single panels as illustrations), Qit/TLDLE20F (article, single panel as illutration)

Sia su TL 873 che su CD 2 e su PF 7 (ma non su TL 2264) sono invertite le due tavole "Benvenuto nel regno di Reginella, papero!" ed "È proprio un bel paperotto!" - osservazione di Marco Bini comunicata da Francesco Stajano

This story is rated 7.8/10 and ranked 91/43752 according to COA users. There have been about 175 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: LPJ (November 2, 2017)

enDD goes underwater fishing to a lonely location and get captured by extraterrestrials living under the seafloor. Their queen falls in love with DD but his rival scares him so, that his cowardice bring him back to the surface, though the little queen loves him still. (by vgmirelis, history)
frDonald part pêcher sous l'eau dans un endroit isolé et se fait capturer par des extraterrestres vivant sous le plancher océanique. Leur reine tombe amoureuse de Donald mais son rival lui fait tellement peur que sa lâcheté le ramène à la surface, bien que la petite reine l'aime toujours. (by xShinatox, history)
elΟ Ντόναλντ λιποθυμά κάτω από την θάλασσα. Αρπάζεται από έναν εξωγήϊνο μηχανισμό. Οι εξωγήϊνοι ζουν κάτω από την θάλασσα, κάτω από το διαφανές φράγμα. Ο Ντόναλντ ερωτεύεται την πριγκίπισσα Ελίζα (ή Πανωραία). (by Hrysaor, history)
itNel corso di una battuta di pesca subacquea, Paperino viene in contatto con un popolo di abitanti di un regno sommerso, guidato dalla dolce Reginella.
Subito sboccia una simpatia tra la sovrana e il nuovo arrivato, ma un suddito geloso tenta di frapporsi ed impedire la permanenza di Paperino nel mondo sommerso.

E' una storia d'amore per come può esserlo alla maniera dei paperi, senza esagerazioni romantiche e con un giusto tocco di autentica poesia.
Il disegno di Cavazzano, particolarmente ispirato nel tratteggio degli scenari marini, supporta la sceneggiatura come meglio non si sarebbe potuto.
(by bobo olson, history)
itprimo capitolo della saga di Reginella
plDonald uwielbia łowić ryby harpunem. Niestety, przeszkadzają mu przy tym inni nurkowie, którzy częśto boleśnie ranią kaczora. Podczas jednego z połowów Donald traci przytomność i zostaje wciągnięty do podmorskiego królestwa przybyszów z innej planety. Zakochuje się w ich księżniczce. (by tolio, history)
Donald Duck
Huey Dewey and Louie
Queen Reginella (1st)
Italy, TL 873
more scans >>
Italy, TL 873
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Greece, MM 432
Greece, MM 1003
Netherlands, PO2 32
Greece, KL 144
Italy, TL 2264
Italy, CTS 24
Italy, PBST 65
Brazil, AD 31
Changes: Layout remounted
France, MPP 1284
Changes: pages 11 and 12 printed in the wrong order
Italy, CD 2
Changes: pages 11 and 12 printed in the wrong order
Spain, DM 23
Changes: pages 11 and 12 swapped
Spain, ANT 2
Changes: pages 11 and 12 swapped
United States, DD 386A
Changes: pages 11 and 12 printed in the wrong order

Other scans (list of recently uploaded "originals")

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