Uncle Scrooge
The Secret of Atlantis

Story code
W US 5-02
The Secret of Atlantis
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Atlantis teacher, Francois, Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Carl Barks
Carl Barks, Garé Barks?
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: ARC GGI 2, ARC LICU 5, ARC USA 50, BC MK 64, BC TP 194, D 25789, HC OD 24, IC DPCS 17, IC ZP 117, IC ZP 117B, XFC AAL2023-14
article: Qde/BXS 3C, Qde/BXS 3C, Qde/MBIB 25E, Qdk/CBSV 12E, Qdk/GB 9, Qfi/ALP 4J, Qfi/ALP 22D, Qfi/IS2013-A4C, Qfi/RS2000-05B, Qfi/T2013VKH, Qfi/T2018TRL, Qfr/PM 274A, Qfr/PM 537A, Qfr/PM 537B, Qfr/TP 19B, Qgr/KX 120B, Qgr/KX 120C, Qgr/KX 149E, Qgr/KX 291D, Qgr/KXB 3E, Qgr/KXB 27D, Qit/CTS 6G, Qit/CTS 8G, Qit/CTS 9FA, Qit/CTS 20B, Qit/CTS 20E, Qit/DAO 26A, Qit/DPCS 7C, Qit/DPCS 20R, Qit/DPCS 32E, Qit/DPCS 45A, Qit/DPCS 45A, Qit/DSTO 26C, Qit/GCDN 66B, Qit/GSD 16B, Qit/GSD 19O, Qit/GSD 28B, Qit/GSD 28C, Qit/GSD 28G, Qit/GSD 28L, Qit/IDI 1N, Qit/IMA 4C, Qit/IMA 8C, Qit/UACK 2F, Qit/UACK 9D, Qit/UACK 22E, Qno/DD2004-16C, Qno/GB 9, Qus/CBCO 7D, Qus/CBDL 7A, Qus/CBDL 12A, Qus/CBDL 15A, Qus/CBDL 16A, Qus/CBDL 22A
illustration: ARC LICU 5C, ARC US 300A, D 22793, D 22799
various: Xcl/TR 65 (panel), Qgr/KXB 7B (panels), XU GEM 105 (mentioned), Qit/TC 3B (article, image), Qgr/KX 289B (1st panel), IC UACK 2 (enlarged panel), I TL 3238-1 (The Wonderful Wishing Crown!) (page 6, 4th panel), IC DPCS 22 (cover, panel 2.2)

Idea Chase Craig

This is a top 10-story.This story is rated 8.7/10 and ranked 5/43690 according to COA users. There have been about 365 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: HF (June 30, 2016), FWi (August 14, 2017; May 9, 2020)

enSecret of Atlantis
nlOom Dagobert wil een kwartje heel veel waard laten worden door te zorgen dat dat kwartje zeldzaam wordt. Hij zorgt ervoor dat hij alle kwartjes in bezit krijgt om ze vervolgens in de zee te gooien. Op een gegeven moment verliest hij het enige kwartje wat hij in bezit heeft en hij moet gaan duiken in de zee op zoek naar de overige kwartjes.. (by snowmansion, history)
frAprès que Donald a revendu une pièce rare que son oncle lui avait donné sans connaître sa véritable valeur, Picsou décide de racheter toutes les pièces d'une autre série sauf une qui vaudra alors une fortune, mais elle est détruite et il faut partir en chercher une autre au fond de l'eau (by duckstories, history)
deUS vernichtet alle Zehner, die 1916 geprägt wurden und behält nur ein Exemplar, um es an Sammler zu verkaufen. Als dieses von einer Dampfwalze plattgewalzt wird, sucht er sie im Meer und entdeckt Atlantis wieder. (by Duckmäuser, history)
noSkrue prøver å gjøre sin mynt den sjeldneste i verden, men må dra under vann for å finne den i Atlantis
United States, US 5
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United States, US 5
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Italy, TL 91
Mexico, CWD 84
Belgium, MM 306 part 3
France, JM 265
Germany, MMB 18
Chile, TR 35
United States, WDCD 1
Spain, DB2 59
Brazil, TP 72
Netherlands, DDAV 22
Italy, CD 5
Germany, LTB 53
United States, US 189
Brazil, TP 194
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