Uncle Scrooge
The Midas Touch

Story code
W US 36-01
The Midas Touch
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Magica De Spell (1st), Miss Quackfaster (1st), Uncle Scrooge
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
article: Qdk/AA2022B32A, Qfi/IS2013-A5F, Qfi/T2018TRI, Qfr/PM 361B, Qgr/AEX 1A, Qgr/EKM 1B, Qgr/KX 59C, Qgr/KX 293B, Qgr/KXB 2E, Qgr/KXB 8E, Qit/ATP 17E, Qit/CFR 4C, Qit/CTS 1E, Qit/CTS 12M, Qit/CTS 14J, Qit/CTS 15B, Qit/CTS 15D, Qit/DAO 24A, Qit/DCOLL 4D, Qit/DCOLL11B, Qit/DCOLL11C, Qit/DCOLL18E, Qit/DCOLL47B, Qit/DCOLL49B, Qit/DCOLL49C, Qit/DCOLL49D, Qit/DPCS 1B, Qit/DPCS 10P, Qit/DPCS 24A, Qit/DPCS 24C, Qit/DPCS 26B, Qit/DPCS 35P, Qit/DSTO 38B, Qit/DSTO 40B, Qit/DSTO 40C, Qit/DT 48C, Qit/DT 48E, Qit/GRMA 3K, Qit/GSD 10C, Qit/ILPA 8E, Qit/MD 27G, Qit/PM 248c, Qit/SPD 24j, Qit/SPD 35C, Qit/SUD 24K, Qit/SUD 86C, Qit/UACK 14B, Qit/UACK 14C, Qit/ZP 13, Qit/ZP 147c, Qit/ZPP 68B, Qit/ZPP 71B, Qnl/JUB2023-1, Qnl/OD 58A, Qse/GB 3, Qus/CBDL 7B, Qus/CBDL 12A, Qus/CBDL 26A, Qus/CBDL 26B, Qus/CBDL 28A, Qus/USCA 1RB, Qus/USCA 1SA
illustration: D 22792, IC BIG 3AI
panel: B PD50 1-TB, Qno/TP2003-2E
panels: XUC CBDL 26, XUC CBDL 26B
various: HC DD1986-21 (cover), D/D 2006-019 (Obsession) (sequel), I TL 2131-4 (Zio Paperone e il ratto delle monetine) (flashback), B TP 430-FP (art re-used), Qgr/EPS 179C (1st panel), IC UACK 14 (enlarged panel), Qgr/KX 279D (article & panel 1.5), I TL 3035-5 (Zio Paperone, Amelia & il patto della luna) (remake of first meeting about US and MDS), Qgr/KX 165A (page 11 panel 8), Qgr/KX 283D (article & panel 12.1), Qit/TL 3445I (article, pages), Qus/CBM 103D (page 12 panels 1-5)

This story is rated 8.1/10 and ranked 26/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 190 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: RBr (May 10, 2021)

enUS follows MDS to Mount Vesuvius to recover his first dime
daJoakim følger Hexia til Vesuvio for at få sin første mønt tilbage
frLa sorcière Miss Tick vole le sou fétiche de Picsou pour devenir, grâce a un sortilège, aussi riche que celui qui le possède. Avec l'aide de Donald et ses neveux, Picsou part à sa poursuite jusque sur le mont Vésuve où la méchante magicienne s'apprête à faire fondre le sou. (by GGg, history)
deGundel Gaukeley trifft erstmalig auf Dagobert Duck und bekommt seinen Glückszehner. Die Ducks verfolgen sie bis zum Vesuv. (by TSetznagel, history)
itPaperone dà per sbaglio la Numero Uno, la prima moneta da lui guadagnata, alla quale è legatissimo, a una certa Amelia, la quale vuole fonderla per ricavarne un amuleto potentissimo che dovrebbe farla diventare “ricca, ricca, ricca”. (by Alle, history)
plDo Sknerusa zgłasza się Magika De Czar- czarownica spod Wezuwiusza. Zbiera ona monety najbogatszych ludzi i kaczorów na świecie, a im starsza jest ta moneta, tym lepiej. McKwacz przez przypadek oddaje wiedźmie swoją pierwszą dziesięciocentówkę. Kiedy uświadamia sobie, co zrobił, zaczyna pogoń za Magiką. (by Pernat, history)
ruМагика де Гипноз впервые крадет счастливую монету Скруджа Макдака и отправляется на Везувий, где планирует переплавить ее в волшебный амулет. Дядя Скрудж с племянниками отправляется в погоню! (by Damacon, history)
Donald Duck
Huey Dewey and Louie
Magica De Spell (1st)
Miss Quackfaster (1st)
Uncle Scrooge
United States, US 36
more scans >>
France, JM 538
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 331
France, JM 538
Brazil, PD 568
Mexico, HWD 235
Yugoslavia, MIKIR 3
Yugoslavia, MIKIR 4 part 2
Yugoslavia, MIKIR 5 part 3
Yugoslavia, MIKIR 6 part 4
Yugoslavia, MIKIR 7 part 5
Greece, MM 125
Netherlands, DDAV 15
Chile, TR 81
United States, US 93
Yugoslavia, MIKIR252
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Galerie Laqua

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