Donald Duck
Vacation Time

Story code
W VP 1-01
Vacation Time
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Camper from W VP 1-01, Ranger Chief from W VP 1-01, Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: ARC DD 257, ARC LICD 18, ARC LICD 18B, BC PD 1798, FC AFJ 11, GC KA 12, HC BV 7, IC AR 67, IC PDO 9, XFC AA2012-23, XFC CBPS 5A, XUC CBDL 9
article: Qde/HD 160H, Qfi/IS2011-AJJ, Qfi/T2020TRD, Qgr/BA 150A, Qit/CBCA 12l, Qit/CTS 2N, Qit/CTS 3L, Qit/CTS 129E, Qit/DAO 27B, Qit/DPCS 1K, Qit/DPCS 25G, Qit/GCD 334, Qit/M313 62B, Qit/MD 1D, Qit/TL 2747B, Qit/UACK 38A, Qno/DD1993B27, Qno/DRSV 5I, Qus/CBDL 7A, Qus/CBDL 9A, Qus/CBPG 7G, Qus/WDC 522C
game: W VP 1-01A, W VP 2-02A
various: FC PM 308 (unknown), FC AFJ 11A (illustration), Qit/ATP 14F (article, image), DC CBSV 8 (splash panel), Qno/DMOB 1I (pages), GC BDD 5 (extract from panel), DC KL 39 (cover,splash panel), D 61-09 (page 20 panel 3), DC AA1962-08 (DD has the same posture), DC SOLO 14 (cover, zoom on splash panel from story), CB OIL 37 (painting;page 1), FC JM 3240 (same idea and layout)

This is a top 10-story.This story is rated 8.4/10 and ranked 7/43690 according to COA users. There have been about 380 votes for this story.

enWhile on a wilderness vacation, Donald attempts to photograph a buck
nlDonald en de neefjes gaan op vakantie. Donald probeert een hert te fotograferen om een prijs te winnen. Dan wordt er een bosbrand aangestoken. (by HF, history)
frDonald et ses neveux, en vacances, installent un camp en pleine forêt et tandis que Donald veut à tout prix photographier un cerf, un autre campeur méprise les risques (by duckstories, history)
frLa famille Donald part camper pour fuir les dangers et les soucis de la ville. Bien entendu leur séjour dans les bois n'est que succession de mésaventures, incendies, rencontres avec des bêtes féroces et autres péripéties.
elΟ Ντόναλντ θέλει πάση θυσία να τραβήξει φωτογραφία ένα ελάφι στο δάσος όπου κατασκηνώνουν, αλλά από απροσεξία ενός άλλου κατασκηνωτή το δάσος τυλίγεται στις φλόγες
itPaperino e qui quo qua vanno in vacanza ad un bosco,dove si trova anche un grosso energumento irrispettoso verso la natura.Accende fuochi ovunque,e nel frattempo paperino tenta di fotografare un meraviglioso cervo,ma invano;L'uomo ,addormentandosi con la pipa accesa,brucia il bosco..e ruba la 313.La fine sembra vicina per i nipotini,ma Paperino ha un'idea e li seppellisce sotto terra.Scampati alla morte per miracolo,vanno dai guardiani del bosco,che non sanno a chi credere,poichè non sanno come sono avvenute le cose,e così,Qui,che aveva scattato una foto che rappresenta il fuoco acceso dall'uomo,salva la situazione.Divertente il finale,con un paperino che capisce che il cervo che voleva fotografare si mette in posa proprio al tramonto...Peccato che la macchina fotografica l'abbiano i guardiani! (by Paperin, history)
limDonald en de naefkes goan op vurkantie. Donald probeertj un hert te fotografieren um doezundj euro te winnen. Dan werdtj der un bosbrand aangestoeken. (by DuckfanDownUnder, history)
plDonald i siostrzeńcy wyjeżdżają na biwak. W lesie spotykają innego obozowicza, który w przeciwieństwie do nich nie przestrzega regulaminu lasu. Nieostrożny urlopowicz doprowadza swoim zachowaniem do pożaru lasu, po czym zrzuca winę na kaczory. (by katherina, history)
ptPato Donald e seus sobrinhos saem de férias para uma floresta. Mas na floresta há um desrespeitador da natureza. O desalmado incendia a floresta e põe a vida dos heróis em perigo. (by spe, history)
United States, VP 1
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Italy, TL 22
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 22
Italy, TL 23 part 2
Italy, TL 24 part 3
France, BH 34
Sweden, WDS1954-07
Norway, WD1954-07
Netherlands, DD1954-39 part 2
Netherlands, DD1954-40 part 3
Mexico, CWDE1955-07
Finland, AA1955B07
Italy, AR 67
Norway, MH1967-06
Spain, JP 8
United States, DD 257
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