
Story code
XFC AA2020-52-53B
(incomplete) Deltoid Biceppa, Farragut the Falcon, Joe from Singapore, Polly from W OS 282-02, Professor from W US 8-02, Susy Swan, Bombie, Donald Duck, Gabby, Huey Dewey and Louie, Lucifer (lookalike), Peeweegahs (1), Roscoe the Robot, Uncle Scrooge, Yellow Beak [show character portraits]
Art (pencil and ink)
Kari Korhonen
Date of first publication
Refers to
W OS 108-03 (Seals Are so Smart!) (seal balancing a ball), W OS 223-02 (Lost In the Andes!) (cubic chickens), W OS 238-02 (Voodoo Hoodoo) (zombie), W OS 282-02 (The Pixilated Parrot) (sleepy parrot), W OS 318-02 (No Such Varmint) (sea serpent), W OS 386-02 (Only a Poor Old Man) (balloons carrying a giant sun glass lens), W OS 408-02 (The Golden Helmet) (golden helmet), W OS 9-02 (Finds Pirate Gold) (the sailor parrot), W US 18-02 (Land of the Pygmy Indians) (small running native american), W US 20-03 (Robot Servant) (robot with umbrella), W US 54-01 (The Billion Dollar Safari) (elephant with square trunk), W US 58-02 (The Giant Robot Robbers) (giant robot), W US 60-01 (The Phantom of Notre Duck) (Notre Duck), W US 65-01 (Micro-Ducks from Outer Space) (hawk and a small flying soucer), W US 8-02 (The Mysterious Stone Ray) (hand held stone ray), W US 8-03 (A Campaign of Note) (election poster), W WDC 101-02 (Nightmare) (nightmare martian), W WDC 104-02 (The Sunken Yacht) (bark raising anchor), W WDC 141-02 (The Brainy Wolf) (wolf scared the rabbit), W WDC 149-01 (Head or Tails) (market tent), W WDC 152-01 (TV Quiz) (dog eyes half closed), W WDC 153-01 (Worm Weary) (worms), W WDC 159-01 (Wispy Willie) (US in a large size costume), W WDC 171-03 (The Wax Bank!) (cat chasing a mouse), W WDC 180-01 (The Super Salesman) (dog walker), W WDC 194-01 (Skywriting for Scrooge) (smoke writer), W WDC 209-02 (Postman Donald) (flying mail man), W WDC 254-01 (Jet Witch) (halloween kid), W WDC 264-01 (Master Wrecker) (fortification), W WDC 273-01 (A Duck's-eye View of Europe) (gondola), W WDC 286-01 (The Olympian Torch Bearer) (torch bearer), W WDC 308-06 (The Beauty Business) (two latest-fashion ladies), W WDC 47-02 (Fred the Falcon) (falcon eyes covered), W WDC 65-02 (Parrot from Singapore) (grumpy parrot), W WDC 68-02 (High as a Kite) (kite flying a car), W WDC 69-02 (Biceps Blues) (a couple walking), W WDC 70-02 (Puppy Dogs' Tales) (running little dog), W WDC 77-02 (Going Buggy) (HDL dressed up as bugs), W WDC 79-02 (Picnic Tricks) (booby trapped table and logs), W WDC 93-02 (Rocket Race to the Moon) (rocket ship racing), W WDC 99-02 (The Crazy Quiz Show) (tricycle)
Referred to in
Qfi/AAL2021-03 (article)

Finland, AA2020-52-53


Other scans (list of recently uploaded "originals")


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