L'epopea delle "Grandi Parodie"

Story code
Qit/IDI 1O
Non-Disney and/or non-comics
L'epopea delle "Grandi Parodie"
Refers to creator
Carlo Chendi (interview)
Date of first publication
Refers to
article: I PG 72-B (Biancaneve e il mago Basilisco), I TL 156-AP (Paperin di Tarascona), I TL 159-AP (The Count of Monte Cristo), I TL 162-AP (The Three Musketeers), I TL 219-AP (El Kid Pampeador), I TL 268-AP (Donald's Odyssey), I TL 584-AP (Paperin Fracassa), I TL 598-AP (Paperopoli liberata), I TL 600-A (Paperin de Paperac), I TL 1396-AP (Gone With the Wind), I TL 1582-A (Paperino e il flauto magico), I TL 1604-A (War and Peace), I TL 1657-A (Casablanca), I TL 1743-AP (The Secret of the Candlesticks), I TL 1769-AP (I promessi topi), W OS 71-02 (The Three Caballeros), W OS 300-02 (Big-Top Bedlam), YM 034 (Monarch of Medioka), YM 042 (The Bar-None Ranch), ZM 012 (The Robin Hood Adventure)
article;sequence: I TL 7-AP (Mickey's Inferno), I TL 137-AP (Duck Quixote)
article;panels: I TL 210-AP (Paperino e l'oro di Reno ovvero L'anello dei nani lunghi), I TL 247-AP (Paperino il Paladino), I TL 544-AP (Paperin furioso)
various: I TL 197-AP (Paperin meschino) (article;page), I TL 1409-AP (The Travels of Marco Polo or the Milione: The Princess Cocachin) (article;big panel), I TL 188-AP (Il dottor Paperus) (article;sequences), I TL 202-AP (Paperiade) (article;opening page of 3d part;sequence;second last page), I TL 226-BP (Hamlet Prince of Duckmark) (article;last 2 panels), Qit/EC 28A (rewritten)
article: The Three Caballeros (QMF 7), Sleeping Beauty (QMF 16), Trombone Trouble (QMS 1944-003)

it1)Da Ulisse a Paperino; 2)La parodia dell'epica; 3)Il genere cavalleresco; 4)La parodia del teatro
Italy, IDI 1


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