Donald Duck
Return to Plain Awful

Story code
AR 130
Another Rainbow (Gladstone)
Return to Plain Awful
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Awfultonians, Azure Blue (cameo), Brutopian representative (cameo), Vicuna hunter, Chisel McSue (cameo), Donald Duck, Flintheart Glomgold, Huey Dewey and Louie, Longhorn Tallgrass (cameo), Maharajah of Howduyustan (cameo), The Junior Woodchucks, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Don Rosa
Art (pencil and ink)
Don Rosa
Date of first publication
Refers to
W OS 223-02 (Lost In the Andes!) (sequel)
Referred to in
cover: ARC DDA 12, BC AD 227A, DC HOF 5, GC MM1990-17, HC DE1991-09, IC ZP 88, XFC ANLE 2A, XNC CBDR11
article: Qde/DR 11A, Qdk/HOF 5G, Qfi/ANLE 2C, Qfi/DR 2001F, Qfi/T2009KKE, Qfi/T2009KKFB, Qfi/T2011PKH, Qfi/T2014KKI, Qfi/T2014KKJA, Qfi/T2016LKH, Qfi/T2016LKI, Qfr/PM 330A, Qfr/TP 3E, Qfr/TP 45U, Qfr/TP 45V, Qgr/KXB 22C, Qit/GCDN 82B, Qit/UACK 6C, Qit/UACK 25B, Qit/UACK 25C, Qno/DD1990B15, Qno/DD1992B12, Qno/DRSV 2E, Qno/DRSV 2F, Qno/DRSV 2G, Qus/DDA 12B, Qus/DRL 2A, Qus/DRL 2B, Qus/US 234C, Qus/US 362B
illustration: FC PM 330D, XFC DRB2001C09, XFC DRB2001C19
various: Qus/DRL 2N (panel), I TL 3238-1 (The Wonderful Wishing Crown!) (page 34)

This story is rated 7.6/10 and ranked 178/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 145 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: FWi (January 4, 2011), SMa (July 2, 2012), HF (June 8, 2017), PHm (June 10, 2017)

en$crooge is financing a second expedition to Plain Awful, and Flintheart Glomgold are following the tracks. (by 81...15, history)
daUS finansierer endnu en ekspedition til Usleravnekrog, og FLG følger efter.
fiankat matkaavat Andeille nelikulmaisten asukkaiden laaksoon palauttamaan koti-ikävästä kärsiviä kukkoja
frPicsou accepte de financer le rapatriement des deux coqs malades de Sétatroce, à condition qu'il accompagne Donald et ses neveux pour proposer aux Sétatrociens d'acheter leurs œufs carrés (by duckstories, history)
deUS finanziert DD und HDL eine weitere Reise ins Land der viereckigen Eier, unter der Bedingung, dass es selbst mitdarf. Dort angekommen zeigt US seinen runden Glückszehner und wird verhaftet.
elΟ Θειος Σκρουτζ, μαζί με τα ανήψια του, πηγαίνουν στην θρυλική Μονοτονία για τα τετράγωνα αυγά.Τους ακολουθεί όμως ο παμπόνηρος Χρυσοκούκης. (by figolfin, history)
noOnkel Skrue, Donald og guttene drar tilbake til Gufseplassen - Skrue for å tjene penger på firkantfolket, nevøene for å la hanene de tok med sist gang komme hjem igjen. Guldbrand Gråstein følger etter. (by 84...178, history)
plPrzywiezione przez kaczory z Doliny Okropności dwa kwadratowe kurczaki z dala od domu strasznie chorują. Siostrzeńcy postanawiają poprosić wujaszka Sknerusa o sponsoring ponownej wyprawy do Peru. Skąpiec postanawia pomóc Siostrzeńcom, jednak ma też drugi cel wyprawy - handel z tamtejszymi ludźmi. (by tolio, history)
ptTio Patinhas financia uma expedição dos Escoteiros-Mirins à Quadradópolis!! (by andrey, history)
United States, DDA 12
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France, PM 218
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
France, PM 218
Norway, DD1990-17 part 2
Finland, AA1990-17
Brazil, AD 227
Finland, AA1990-18 part 2
Norway, DD1990-18 part 3
Norway, DD1990-19 part 4
Finland, AA1990-19 part 3
Finland, AA1990-20 part 4
Greece, KX 35
Netherlands, DE1991-09
Colombia, TRA 141
Netherlands, OD 60
Italy, SMIT 27
Show all scans

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