Top 201-300

   7.60/10 (67 votes)

Plot: Floyd Gottfredson
Script: Webb Smith
Pencils: Floyd Gottfredson
Ink: Ted Thwaites

Blaggard Castle (1932)

YM 015

   7.59/10 (79 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Oddball Odyssey (1962)

W US 40-02

   7.59/10 (77 votes)

Writing: Giorgio Salati
Art: Paolo Mottura

Paperinik e l'amore nell'oblio (2010)

I TL 2829-2

   7.59/10 (69 votes)

Writing: Rodolfo Cimino
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Paperino e l'errore del Paperzucum (1975)

I TL 997-A

   7.59/10 (83 votes)

Writing: Massimo De Vita
Art: Massimo De Vita

Topolino e l'enigma di Mu (1979)

I TL 1238-AP

   7.59/10 (116 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Pool Sharks (1951)

W WDC 129-02

   7.59/10 (88 votes)

Writing: Romano Scarpa
Pencils: Romano Scarpa
Ink: Rodolfo Cimino

Paperino e il colosso del Nilo (1961)

I TL 292-AP

   7.59/10 (87 votes)

Writing: Massimo Marconi
Art: Massimo De Vita

Topolino e il ritorno al passato (1987)

I TL 1672-A

   7.59/10 (75 votes)

Writing: Alessandro Sisti
Art: Massimo De Vita

Topolino e lo strappo cronospaziale (1993)

I TL 1959-A

   7.59/10 (72 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Back to the Klondike (1974)

CS OS 456

   7.59/10 (83 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Much Ado About Quackly Hall (1953)

W WDC 154-01

   7.59/10 (92 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

The Black Knight (1998)

D 97346

   7.58/10 (112 votes)

Writing: Romano Scarpa
Pencils: Romano Scarpa
Ink: Rodolfo Cimino

Zio Paperone e l'ultimo balabù (1960)

I TL 243-A

   7.58/10 (132 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks (rewrite), George Crenshaw?
Art: Carl Barks

The Crazy Quiz Show (1948)

W WDC 99-02

   7.58/10 (67 votes)

Plot: Floyd Gottfredson
Script: Merrill De Maris
Pencils: Floyd Gottfredson
Ink: Bill Wright?, Ted Thwaites

The Mighty Whale Hunter (1938)

YM 035

   7.58/10 (89 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

The Black Knight Glorps Again (2004)

D 2003-235

   7.58/10 (84 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

The Three Caballeros Ride Again (2000)

D 2000-002

   7.58/10 (112 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Mummy's Ring (1943)

W OS 29-01

   7.58/10 (141 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Lost Crown of Genghis Khan! (1956)

W US 14-02

   7.58/10 (87 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Some Heir Over the Rainbow (1953)

W WDC 155-01

   7.57/10 (75 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Donald's Raucous Role (1955)

W WDC 178-02

   7.57/10 (89 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Forbidden Valley (1957)

W DD 54-01

   7.57/10 (114 votes)

Writing: Casty, Enrico Faccini
Pencils: Casty
Ink: Casty, Michele Mazzon

Topolino e il Dottor Tick-Tock (2013)

I TL 2998-1

   7.57/10 (72 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

DD's Worst Nightmare (1949)

W WDC 101-02

   7.57/10 (66 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

For Old Dime's Sake (1963)

W US 43-01

   7.57/10 (93 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Secret of Hondorica (1956)

W DD 46-02

   7.57/10 (85 votes)

Writing: Guido Martina
Art: Giovan Battista Carpi

Paperopoli liberata (1967)

I TL 598-AP

   7.55/10 (105 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Twenty-four Carat Moon (1958)

W US 24-01

   7.55/10 (86 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Talking Dog (1953)

W WDC 152-01

   7.55/10 (67 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Price of Fame (1954)

W WDC 165-01

   7.54/10 (97 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

War Of The Wendigo (1991)

D 91192

   7.54/10 (192 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

The Prisoner Of White Agony Creek (2006)

D 2005-061

   7.54/10 (103 votes)

Writing: Casty
Pencils: Casty
Ink: Michele Mazzon

Topolino e le borbottiglie di Avaloa (2009)

I TL 2798-2

   7.54/10 (97 votes)

Writing: Casty
Pencils: Giorgio Cavazzano
Ink: Sandro Zemolin

Topolino e il Colosso di Rodi (2005)

I TL 2593-1

   7.53/10 (78 votes)

Writing: Rodolfo Cimino
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Paperino e il matrimonio di Reginella (1987)

I TL 1673-A

   7.53/10 (68 votes)

Writing: Guido Martina
Art: Giovan Battista Carpi

Paperino e il re del fiume d'oro (1961)

I TL 270-AP

   7.53/10 (110 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Volcano Valley (1947)

W OS 147-02

   7.53/10 (84 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Truant Officer Donald (1949)

W WDC 100-02

   7.53/10 (67 votes)

Writing: Romano Scarpa
Pencils: Romano Scarpa
Ink: Rodolfo Cimino

Topolino e il gigante della pubblicità (1961)

I TL 307-AP

   7.53/10 (77 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Sunken Yacht (1949)

W WDC 104-02

   7.53/10 (62 votes)

Writing: Rodolfo Cimino
Art: Massimo De Vita

Paperino viceré sottomarino (1969)

I TL 692-C

   7.52/10 (58 votes)

Writing: Gian Giacomo Dalmasso
Art: Giovan Battista Carpi

Topolino corriere dello Zar (1966)

I TL 553-AP

   7.52/10 (75 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

McDuck of Arabia (1964)

W US 55-01

   7.52/10 (83 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

Escape From Forbidden Valley (1999)

D 98346

   7.52/10 (82 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Super Snooper (1949)

W WDC 107-02

   7.52/10 (69 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Hypno-Gun (1952)

W WDC 145-01

   7.51/10 (100 votes)

Writing: Romano Scarpa
Pencils: Romano Scarpa
Ink: Rodolfo Cimino

La leggenda di Paperin Hood (1960)

I TL 228-AP

   7.51/10 (71 votes)

Writing: Caterina Mognato
Art: Giuseppe Dalla Santa

Ser Topolino e la cavalcata dei cavalieri inesistenti (1994)

I TL 1993-AP

   7.51/10 (58 votes)

Writing: Francesco Artibani, Lello Arena
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Miseria e nobiltà (1993)

I TL 1955-A

   7.51/10 (93 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Island in the Sky (1960)

W US 29-01

   7.51/10 (94 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

Gyro's First Invention (2002)

D 2001-143

   7.51/10 (81 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Frozen Gold (1944)

W OS 62-02

   7.51/10 (74 votes)

Writing: Romano Scarpa
Pencils: Romano Scarpa
Ink: Giorgio Cavazzano

Pippo e i parastinchi di Olympia (1972)

I CWD 45-A

   7.51/10 (92 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Big Bin on Killmotor Hill (1951)

W WDC 135-02

   7.50/10 (48 votes)

Writing: Casty
Pencils: Casty
Ink: Michele Mazzon

Topolino e qualcosa nel buio (2016)

I TL 3146-2

   7.50/10 (84 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

The Magnificent Seven (Minus Four) Caballeros! (2005)

D 2004-032

   7.50/10 (90 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Mystery of the Ghost Town Railroad (1965)

W US 56-02

   7.50/10 (86 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Pencils: Carl Barks
Ink: Carl Barks, Garé Barks (1st)

Somethin' Fishy Here (1953)

W OS 456-03

   7.50/10 (102 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

W.H.A.D.A.L.O.T.T.A.J.A.R.G.O.N. (1997)

D 97052

   7.50/10 (84 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Managing the Echo System (1949)

W WDC 105-02

   7.50/10 (78 votes)

Writing: Guido Martina
Art: Massimo De Vita

Paperinik e il castello delle tre torri (1972)

I TL 875-AP

   7.49/10 (71 votes)

Writing: Casty
Pencils: Casty
Ink: Michele Mazzon

Topolino e le miniere di Fantametallo (2011)

I TL 2880-1

   7.49/10 (95 votes)

Writing: Romano Scarpa
Art: Romano Scarpa

Paperino e l'amuleto di Amùndsen (1956)

I TL 135-A

   7.48/10 (77 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Duck in the Iron Pants (1944)

W WDC 41-01

   7.48/10 (67 votes)

Writing: Guido Martina
Art: Giovan Battista Carpi

Paperina e i papiri del Pah-Peh-Rheo (1970)

I TL 750-A

   7.48/10 (55 votes)

Writing: Guido Martina
Art: Massimo De Vita

Paperinik allo sbaraglio (1973)

I TL 908-AP

   7.48/10 (85 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Hall of the Mermaid Queen (1967)

W US 68-02

   7.48/10 (64 votes)

Writing: Romano Scarpa
Pencils: Romano Scarpa
Ink: Sandro Del Conte

Storie stellari: Paperobot contro i Paperoidi (1981)

I TL 1317-AP

   7.48/10 (91 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

The Crocodile Collector (1988)

AR 125

   7.48/10 (67 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Gladstone's Terrible Secret (1952)

W WDC 140-02

   7.48/10 (60 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Secret Resolutions (1956)

W WDC 185-02

   7.47/10 (65 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Money Stairs (1953)

W WDC 157-01

   7.47/10 (64 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Donald Tames His Temper (1946)

W WDC 64-02

   7.47/10 (60 votes)

Writing: Giorgio Pezzin
Art: Massimo De Vita

Topolino e l'intruso spazio-temporale (1987)

I TL 1668-A

   7.47/10 (53 votes)

Writing: Rodolfo Cimino
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Il bel cavaliere e la regina del lago perduto (1990)

I TL 1782-A

   7.47/10 (51 votes)

Writing: Bill Walsh
Art: Floyd Gottfredson

The Atombrella and the Rhyming Man (1948)

YM 115

   7.47/10 (67 votes)

Plot: Floyd Gottfredson
Script: Ted Osborne
Pencils: Floyd Gottfredson
Ink: Ted Thwaites

The Mail Pilot (1933)

YM 017

   7.47/10 (73 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Swamp of No Return (1965)

W US 57-02

   7.47/10 (54 votes)

Writing: Roberto Gagnor
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Topolino e il passaggio al Tor Korgat (2013)

I TL 3013-1P

   7.47/10 (81 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Cave of Ali Baba (1961)

W US 37-02

   7.47/10 (60 votes)

Writing: Guido Martina
Art: Giovan Battista Carpi

Topolino presenta: Cristoforo Colombo (1983)

I TL 1452-AP

   7.47/10 (59 votes)

Writing: Rodolfo Cimino
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Zio Paperone e le streghe in azione (1971)

I TL 812-A

   7.47/10 (74 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Master Rainmaker (1953)

W WDC 156-01

   7.46/10 (77 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Crown of the Mayas (1963)

W US 44-01

   7.46/10 (59 votes)

Writing: Giorgio Pezzin
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Zio Paperone e gli icebergs volanti (1975)

I TL 1009-AP

   7.46/10 (90 votes)

Plot: Alessandro Baricco
Script: Tito Faraci
Pencils: Giorgio Cavazzano
Ink: Sandro Zemolin

La vera storia di Novecento (2008)

I TL 2737-1P

   7.46/10 (85 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Trick or Treat (1952)

W DD 26-02

   7.46/10 (57 votes)

Writing: Teresa Radice
Art: Stefano Turconi

Topolino e il Grande Mare di Sabbia (2011)

I TL 2907-1

   7.46/10 (74 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Paul Bunyan Machine (1959)

W US 28-01

   7.46/10 (73 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Spoil the Rod (1948)

W WDC 92-02

   7.46/10 (51 votes)

Writing: Bill Walsh
Art: Floyd Gottfredson

The Syndicate of Crime (1949)

YM 120

   7.46/10 (65 votes)

Plot: Luciano Bottaro
Script: Carlo Chendi, Luciano Bottaro
Art: Luciano Bottaro

Pippo e la fattucchiera (1960)

I TL 236-A

   7.45/10 (50 votes)

Writing: Rodolfo Cimino
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Martin il marinaio e le perle nere del pacifico (1990)

I TL 1829-A

   7.45/10 (39 votes)

Writing: Casty
Pencils: Casty, Massimo Bonfatti
Ink: Casty, Luca Giorgi, Massimo Bonfatti

Tutto questo accadde domani (2018)

I TL 3280-6P

   7.45/10 (68 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Know-It-All Machine (1958)

W US 22-04

   7.45/10 (67 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Fireman Donald (1947)

W WDC 86-02

   7.45/10 (53 votes)

Writing: Massimo De Vita
Art: Massimo De Vita

Paperino e l'eredità di Babe (1981)

I TL 1341-AP

   7.45/10 (98 votes)

Writing: Don Rosa
Art: Don Rosa

The Lost Charts Of Columbus (1995)

D 94144

   7.45/10 (81 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

The Fantastic River Race (1957)

W USGD 1-02

   7.45/10 (78 votes)

Writing: Carl Barks
Art: Carl Barks

Mystery of the Swamp (1944)

W OS 62-03

   Ratings are computed using the formula shown left. The rating of a story (noted r) is a weighed average of the quantities <v>s and <v>. The former is the arithmetic average of all ratings given to the story; the later is the average of all ratings given to all stories. The weights depend on the number of votes given to the story (noted n) and of m, the number of votes of the 100th story with the highest number of votes. The second term of the right-hand-side expression accounts ofr the uncertainty attached to stories with few ratings. Some additional algorithm, not displayed here, is used to filter ratings.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 436 437Bottom 1-100 By year By decadeMost controversial By issue (slightly slow) Voters statistics

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.